Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Hey all, consider this entry an invite to contribute to Adam David's anthology SAIS, a collection of six word stories. Yep. If you'd like a backgrounder on the six word story, google that and wired, you'll find wired magazine's feature on it done by some of the most brilliant writers around.

anyways, adam's putting together a collection. very simple submission requirements, six word short stories, submit six of them to 6 stories, 6 words each. He'll have some people illustrating it. very cool stuff. the call for stories got me into a creative spurt. here are the ones i came up with.

What was left, we couldn’t salvage.

She didn’t have to say anything.

Before detonation, I will be illuminated.

I falter and recover every moment.

Attempts to recalibrate my worldview fail.

Do her eyes twinkle for me?

Three red lights. Why, Xbox360, Why?

I thought I could hide it.

I look at stars and dream.

It would have been funny, except—

Laws to be enforced—Philippine Government.

The asteroid was beautiful from afar.

She withheld kisses, but drew close.

I’m not addicted, I just need—

Apocalypse is imminent. Let’s have sex.

“Admit it!” “No!” “Admit it!” “No!”

In the digital world, I dominate.

Noobs, cry now for your mothers!

Supernova’s only pretty from other galaxies.

God disproven. Religious fundamentalists: “Now what?”

This blood here, it isn’t mine.

But I thought you were dead!

I didn’t mean to. Just happened.

Condom broke. The miracle of life!

My genes made me do it.

She said no. I insisted. Ouch.

In the moonlight she revealed fangs.

Heart burns from burgers, not love.

If only this probe would stop.

1 comment:

LisaneLisane said...

Condom Broke, the miracle of life!

HAHA FUNNY. hahahahaha
I'm going to try this out. haha.
